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Connecting to the Quran: One Year Online Quranic Arabic Course




We are very much looking forward to teaching you this year.
Course Description

A one year part time Quranic Arabic course designed to teach you the Arabic language in order to appreciate the beauty of the Quran. A wonderful opportunity to engage with the Quran in the language it was revealed and experience its true linguistic miracle in a way you could have never imagined possible. Ideal for those who have had no experience studying Arabic and want to study it for the first time as well as for those who have studied it before but want to deeper their understanding and appreciation of the Quranic language.

The course is thirty eight weeks and is online. Once you purchase the course, you will get access to all the pre-recorded videos and material for the whole year and every Friday and Sunday there will be live one hour revision classes via Zoom from 6-7pm UK time each week.

The course includes:

  • Exclusively designed course book written by Idris Watts
  • Two one hour live revision classes a week via Zoom on Fridays and Sunday from 6-7pm UK time.
  • Online portal (access to all the course material and live classes for the year and for each subsequent year if you pay a  £50 access fee at the end of each year.
  • Free vocabulary phone app exclusive to Quranic Circle students
  • Exclusive access to Quranic Circle community app.


What students have had to say

“Sheikh Idris has produced a high quality course and is endlessly supportive and enthusiastic. The mysteries of the Quran and its language have opened up to me.”


“The teacher teaches with a positive mental attitude which he reinforces throughout the course. For instance, rather than feeling discouraged by new rules, he suggests that we approach it with curiosity and excitement like we do with many new things in life. It was a different approach and this helped me in my Arabic as well as in my everyday life, too. It was encouraging to students at all levels. He had an encouraging word to say to us all. Shaykh Idris is a motivating, encouraging, supportive and approachable teacher. I would definitely recommend the course for anyone wanting to learn Arabic”


“Before doing the course, a fully blown tafseer in English would have been necessary to stimulate my thinking, but I was completely taken aback that we had arrived at these understandings through the words of the Quran alone – and we had only scraped the surface as beginners! I liked the fact that he was approachable as a teacher. That is the single most important characteristic I look for in any teacher because I learn through questions. Having the ability to ask questions in class, online sessions and email is a big advantage on this course. I have been a student in environments where questions were limited due to the teacher’s negative approach to questions. I’m glad to say I’ve never experienced that on this course. His approach to teaching is highly motivating. It’s challenged a lot of my preconceptions of the learning process and changed my perception towards education and what it means to learn. I feel this has encouraged me to continue through the more difficult parts of the course.”


“I have never learnt so much from a course before! It has changed the way I look at life and live it”


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